Message:Many weird things. We never did get to the featured monster, ever.
Arcane Arcade ~ "Drop a silver stone into the slot $$$ miracles will occur." Message bounces about on-screen saver. The joystick can be moved to one of seven images. The icon of cat is blinking, perhaps the last used by last group? Make a big deal about which of six buttons is used, but they all do the same. Each time a button is used, it vanishes. Six at most may be tried.
Brain: Improve INT and gain an Energy Spell Point
Laugh: All your Stats decline.
Fear: All gain HP but one spell at random is OFF.
Strength: Everyone except you improves STR.
Questions: Improve INT, gain a spell (choice) but drop STR & DEX.
Heart: Everyone takes a HP damage and one action previously is canceled.
Cat: Everyone improves DEX.
The party tried five times and improved some: Strength, Brain, Heart, Cat and Questions.
Rest of the adventure was up and down (for HPs). Roho was down to four of fifteen before entering a couple towns of succor. Most of the party took at least ten HP. Arlinden lost the most.
Took us several attempts to find the right Town pretense (Minstrels).
Arlinden gained a temp pool of 20 HP and over the adventure lost all of it. He later discovered his belt made of human skin in fact was cow’s hide. Pax argued with Arlinden over whether either of them was fated to die. Titanicus argued yes.
We hugged the top of the map and barely went south. Not a whole lot of treasure but we did all gain one XP at the Undead Haunt facing Tapped Soul.
More next week as Spells and Maps slowly evolve.