Message:To all those gillionaires trying to upload themselves or create MRD, jokes on you.
The oceans will be boiling hot (as predicted by the Walrus and the Carpenter) in as little as 400 years.
Wait, wait...not political, just fact.
The excess heat from everything we do is not going anywhere. There just happens to be more of us and more ways that we create excess heat. From the moment our brains started building tools, we were doomed. It's accelerating but it's inevitable.
There are sci-fi solutions but ones that take political will and humanity's cooperation. Sorry, I guess this thread is political. Regardless, don't bank on United Nations. 30 trillion for an extra moon (flat shield) to radiate heat of sun back out is never going to be funded.
In about 250 years the oceans reach my porch. A hundred after that I can boil an egg in the water. Not expecting to be here then nor in upload or reaching each day for MRD. We get to enjoy the last kicks before the whole s-house goes up in flames (Jim Morrison).
Did I say humanity ends? No, life just needs insulation and summer vacation will be at the deep mine water park. Gillionaires will survive and hopefully preserve what's important, like baseball. Not that game with the odd pentagon-patches strewn leather ball.