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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- Discord servers are free -- gatesphere (2023-05-23)
---- No expert but used Discord Server for small group and it was so so ... -- IronConrad (2023-05-24)
------ Flock is Free and is discod's main competition - Slack has been Skype's main Competition -- IronFred (2023-05-28)
-------- I have Sumatra on my pc and Xodo on my phone for pdf's -- IronFred (2023-05-28)
---------- Skype working for everyone but IronFred at this time ... -- IronConrad (2023-05-28)
-- DJ Needed -- IronRed (2023-05-21)
---- Remove Adobe if you can .... seems to misbehave .... -- IronConrad (2023-05-21)
------ SumatraPDF is great for Windows -- gatesphere (2023-05-23)

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