Message:That was a fun logic exercise. After the heart of the demon Ba’Te’Wet’Ab was dropped down the well, we were chased by Furies. To be imprisoned in heaven or try to escape hell? Since hell offered the Ignoble, we selected that.
The place is becoming crowded. Gather up some damned souls and drag them to punishment in Area XXX. Or greet the new souls in area YYY; remind them they signed a deal. Will it be alright? No. Take this special soul to Area ZZZ; watch out it may bite.
When presented by a series of mazes, strange places, the group had to escort the damned to various punishments. The demons in command had no clear way to talk with us. They grew frustrated and hot. We grew confused. We were given a series of questions, riddles to navigate.
Nineteen Riddles
1. Carving a toy takes two hours. Painting one takes one hour. Packaging one takes one hour. You can’t paint until the toy has been carved. Similarly, you can’t package one until it has been painted. Both of your two employees are capable of doing any of the three tasks, but they can’t both work on the same task for the same toy at the same time. What is the lowest number of hours it would take your employees to carve, paint, and package three toys.
Answer: Carved Wall.
2. I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me.
Answer: Fire.
3. A killer told a detective he was hiding in the only place in Paris where he could not see the Eiffel Tower.
Answer: Obelisk, a tower.
4. A lemon and an orange were on a high diving board. The orange jumped off. Why didn’t the lemon?
Answer: Misshaped Stone Tunnel, kinda yellow. Because it was Yellow.
5. I am a person, but some say nay.
Answer: Throneroom statue.
6. When faced with three enemies, pick the hardest.
Answer: Ice Cave.
7. They say the eyes are windows to the soul. Yet I had no soul. Through time and time, I stood tall, an immortal; nothing could move me, only deface me.
Answer: Carved Mountain.
8. Many, not green foods, are this color.
Answer: Red Lights room.
9. I’m sometimes found in a pot, but I’m not stew.
Answer: Room of gold.
10. Go up and down or climb without a rope.
Answer: Stone Stairs.
11. Need this when your upstairs windows are dirty.
Answer: Ladder, monk’s room.
12. What is something the poor have, the rich need, and will kill you if you eat it?
Answer: Nothing, Wild Orb, Vortex. The rich man needs nothing, the poor man has nothing and if you eat nothing, eventually you will die.
13. A man was driving a black truck. His lights were not on. The moon was not out. A lady was crossing the street. How did the man see her?
Answer: Sunny outside. Light Shaft.
14. Sometimes these slide or swing or revolve.
Answer: Door to crypt.
15. I have forests with no trees, cities with no houses, water with no waves. Wait, I'm the opposite of defined map.
Answer: Maze
16. You are standing in one big palace where 5 soldiers stay. Each soldier has 5 rooms. In each room there are 5 big tigers. Each big tiger has 5 little tigers. Each tiger has 4 legs. How many legs are there in the palace?
Answer: number but who cares; we need a palace.
17. I have a bed but do not sleep. I have a body but no mouth. I cannot run.
Answer: Lake.
18. You’ll need two people to lift this because of its weight; why is this heavy? It’s filled with pieces of eight.
Answer: stone chest.
19. I am a secondary color that everyone envies.
Answer: Green cave.
The group was not perfect, but near perfect. We finally completed the last riddle only to find the way out was there all along. We just needed to show piety and make an offering in a bowl. Actually, the players did well, and all had fun. Even, Inga, who dislikes thought puzzles.
Next week we hunt the Waste of Tiamat looking for the source of a curse that afflicts mankind and threatens our property in the Frontiers. Dagon and his Aphorisms have been quieted.