Message:The Suits were designed to be autonomous, to a degree. Last thing MACE wants is for a trooper to die and his hardware fail to fulfill the mission. Troopers early-on may even decide to allow the smart systems of the EE Suit, or command and control light years away, to help initiate actions. Light years? How does that work with Einstein time dilation and c speed limit? Questions, grunt? The League has this thing called an Artifact, owned and operated by Jack Foster of the Worm Hole Cartel. He can open small comm-worm holes to…just stop your back-sass and accept that you are ignorant of many things.
Activate Parade Mode allows you to cover for any Skill your character truly lacks, especially during solo gaming. Cruz may use Parade Mode to put Command Chain Skills in-play. It could be limited to Tactical Combat only, not other Skill tests and encounters. Who decides? – GM decides.
Parade mode may not be used to put Skills in-play, which you have directly or by Affinity. To activate Parade Mode simply choose a Skill (you don’t understand) and attempt your Task roll to activate. “Hello, anyone out there?”
The net result may still be adding the Skill in-play or failing the roll. All Encounter and Combat Harm apply on doubles. Yet here’s the true downside – The remote commanders seldom want to relinquish control. Meaning, any Task action after the first, including for Skills you might readily use, suffers a penalty of minus one to the roll. This accumulates. Rely on Parde Mode four times, and all your rolls in the ongoing event are made at Minus four. Soon you could reach a condition of Dice Don’t Roll That High (and lose your life).