Message:Death of Character (D8 + all remaining Glory Pips)
1 or less: Drop back one level of Skills but roll a fresh set of Glory Pips.
2: Restore to full Health (no wounds) but continue permanently Unnerved*.
3: Restore to full Health (no wounds). Any future rolls of Grunt Skills* are made at minus one.
4: Restore to full Health (no wounds). Any future rolls of MOS Skills* are made at minus one.
5: Restore to full Health (no wounds). Any future rolls of Command Chain Skills* are made at minus one.
6: Saved by Chris, a squad FNG; ignore the last injury.
7: Remember your second set of eyelids or your Suit actually functions by design; restore to full Health (no wounds).
8 or more: Mentioned in dispatches; restore to full Health (no wounds). Roll a fresh set of Glory Pips. Find your commendation and medal in your MACE email. The account for which you never got a password.
Note: * – This penalty will only be removed after the character completes a mission to the satisfaction of a superior Patron. Who decides? – Gm decides!
Each time a character technically dies, he should apply a minus one penalty to this outcome roll. Please, run-away more and stop fugging around (as you found out).