Message:1902, Hugo Hercules becomes an American weekly comic strip published in the Chicago Tribune, written and drawn by Wilhelm Heinrich Detlev Körner. It ran for five months. One panel strips, he lifted cars and stopped trollies (to let a lady board).
But the first magazine comic hero was John Carter of Mars. 1911, the novel was serialized as Under the Moons of Mars in the pulp magazine The All-Story. Followed soon by Tarzan.
Edgar Rice Burroughs, very prolific and his contemporaries, like Kipling enjoyed his works. Was there at Pearl Harbor. Became oldest war correspondent. Founded the city of Tarzana, California.
Chastised now by critics, because no one seems to be judged in their own era. Each must be judged by the standards of the Age of Shoddy. Like any contemporary will be as read or do as much.