Message:Boca or Bust jumped between political parties again. We left Save the Kro Tit-Mouse (S~R Group) and shifted to the Orphans and Widows Funds (Buccaneers). The group offered more incentives. Those incentives have taken us to the endgame, at the inner sanctum, almost complete.
We had five players and the rolls were slightly higher, more Harm, more fun.
At the System Endgame: Warmonger System where the economy is driven at a wartime pace to produce in ever-increasing amounts, though no active war may exist. War Cartel once manufactured exclusively all Universal Components. That monopoly has been lost, as well as the secret of building R-units. Though don't try this at home. Still, the cartel continues to produce the majority of all parts. This system will be a network of fortified complexes, each receiving raw materials (mostly petrochemicals) and producing any and all of the twenty-four Universal Components. Access to the system is restricted. Anyone found trespassing is subject to detainment, arrest and punishment. Mr. Mann likes to have a Tetra-League Justice on call in each of his systems. From the waste alone and the parts that fail inspection, an Armada with power could be constructed. Lucky this guy's on our side. Third-Party Restrictive Security, Meddling and Obstacles -- near certainty and supported by the most advanced androids and robot tin-heads, but never any Taint workers.
This grants a free Power Generation at the start of each encounter during the climax.
At the World Jump & Die: Enigma Panetoid World, Covert Base or Derelict Station on which an outpost has been established to observe the activities of another planet, usually a major system. Such a post is activated not to defend the system, but instead to put down revolt. When instructed, the Guards of the base will seize control and place the system under marshal law. There may be a worm hole in this system; however, its placement is aligned to support another planet or colony in the system. Travel to the worm hole from here will require some time. Terra is suspected to have remote outposts of this kind in low orbit of Venus and on the secondary moons of Jupiter or Saturn. Bases like these have been established in other systems as far back as Era Four. The Star Wards were not trusting fellows. Immune Density -- moderate in these time of shortages of men to serve. Some of these bases contain cryogenically housed warriors, that await the proper signal-code to awake for battle. Since many of these same soldiers were frozen before the Pacification in Era Nine, they will rudely awake to their own infection. The odds are only one in million any will be Immune. But how long can they fight before they become exposed via contact and a pressure suit puncture?
Whenever anyone rolls in the climax for Extruding Nozzle, he must make two attempts and take the lower.
In the complex the Terrain Handicaps: Seemingly flat terrain randomly collapses or opens into chasms that have been carved by underground rivers. Their smallest cross-section of erosion is close to the surface where water fills beyond capacity and widens far below into huge underground lakes. Surface travel at increased risk of sink holes.
Adverse Terrain: Power Generation, Star Point Field Overload fail and take Walking.
TJ Boys would like Inner Sanctum Ace of Base investigated for A-Tech.
Covert Ops is ready to support in Section Charlie. Their priorities could be skewed and result in very little of substance.
MACE Intel cautions against entering Map Grid Section E. This is not an order, just sound advice.
Climax Key
C -- Taint No Man's Land: Connects to Section B and D.
Site Danger Everyone who enters here loses a Glory Pip.
Site Danger All except Cimmer attempt a roll or become Unnerved. Unnerved via No Man's Land Site Danger only occurs once per Endgame.
BOON This grants a free Bureaucracy at the start of each encounter during the climax challenges.
B -- Skyhook Rail: Connects to Section A and C.
Combat Fight a few mortals; start with all Unnerved.
Roadblock Progress Requires Skill Extruding Nozzle for each trooper; each round before then causes a random character w/o coverage Vicious. Keep trying round by round any known Skill, Affinity or Implant manipulation. Else give-up quest or die trying.
A -- Robotics & Union Hall: Connects to Section B and H.
Combat Fight a squad; start with half D8 Abrasives.
Fluke In all remaining Sections of Core Matrix Data Center, start with someone suffering Harm and zeroing his remaining Glory Pips. Obstruction Movement is stopped by Condition Breached.
Hazard Everyone roll Skill Entrenching Hydraulic Tools. May use additional Skills, Affinity and Implants to aid yourself and others. Each deficiency at the end of a single round becomes Unnerved.
TRIGGER Before entering the Goal at the center, you must first reach every Solar Panels on the map. (There may not be any.) When there are, then any reason of the GM is valid; let's say turning large bronze values to position seven o'clock.
H -- Atmospheric Cleanser to Terraform: Connects to Section G and A.
Site Danger All Terran attempt a roll or suffer Morale Shake. Morale loss via Atmospheric Cleanser Site Danger only occurs once per Endgame.
Roadblock Progress Requires Skill Extruding Nozzle for each trooper; each round before then causes a random character w/o coverage Harm. Keep trying round by round any known Skill, Affinity or Implant manipulation. Else give-up quest or die trying. Hazard Everyone roll Skill Rapid Burst. May use additional Skills, Affinity and Implants to aid yourself and others. Each deficiency at the end of a single round suffers Walking.
G -- Solar Panels: This section connects to Area Four. Connects to Section F and H.
Site Danger All except Skia attempt a roll or suffer Walking. Walking wound via Solar Panels Site Danger only occurs once per Endgame.
Roadblock Progress Requires Skill Internal Baffling for each trooper; each round before then causes a random character w/o coverage Loss Glory Pip or Abrasive. Keep trying round by round any known Skill, Affinity or Implant manipulation. Else give-up quest or die trying.
3 -- City Hall, Executive Suites & Corporate HQ: This section connects to Goal (X). Connects to Section 2 and 4.
Site Danger All except Cimmer attempt a roll or suffer Morale Shake. Morale loss via Executive Site Danger only occurs once per Endgame.
Combat Fight a few mortals led by Great Boss. Hazard Everyone roll Skill Neural Shock Opportunity Fire. May use additional Skills, Affinity and Implants to aid yourself and others. Each deficiency at the end of a single round suffers Walking.
Obstruction Movement is stopped by Condition Breached.
TRIGGER Before entering the Goal at the center, you must rescue and safeguard Station Chief Matrix Watchdog via any MOS action. That secondary goal is in Section F.
Goal (X) -- City Hall, Executive Suites & Corporate HQ: TBD next week.
More Battle Born Next in a week.