Message:New genre. We began to play a star-wars inspired, spelljammers styled Space Opera game where the characters are solving missions in 2-D sections of space. It uses the same macro driven Excel generator with a different skin. The main difference is that the Space game has a ship with HP and Modules of Power.
The science is pseudo, the psionics plentiful over time. There are also magical accoutrement that enhance the characters abilities. Same style of rulez as the Five Stat Fantasy, with all tests made with D20 over an ability: STR, INT, CON, DEX & PER. The Personality Stat is often called Perception (by me). Same diff.
Our initial reward was a Potion (Brain-Stim) Talent: 6-3: Virtuoso of Limitation: Mix w/ Pill (Brain-Stim). No pills so for later use.
If we win, defeat the monsters at the Flag, we get XP, plus two Accoutrement.
Cosmic Harmonica Talent: 5-3: Endure Hardship
Dark Photon Whip Talent: 3-4: Dodge
Dire Situation: Restore hope by instilling a sense of honor and balance to the sector. What “Hope” was confusing and it took several bases of guess-work to find out that the group was best able to work under the Pretense of Bounty Hunters (of Fugitives) based on stat CON. Do not expect the Rahmordial logic of the Pretense to always seem commonsense when compared with the Dire Situation and Sector Threat; this is space opera, after all.
Sector Threat: Shifting Beast – Off-Ship (or boarding party) only. Creature that appears to be someplace that actually it isn’t. The classic multiple images with the players swinging at reflections or and firing at projections. The creature may be amplifying its size, so aim low. Bone-Break (STR or DEX), Elemental (CON or PER), Arcane (INT or PER)
Endgame Doom or Destiny – We needed and completed the 4 clues preliminaries and locate the Endgame Climax at the Flag. But we had yet to resolve the Endgame Harm 11: The players may not use any Ship Module in the combat. We hope to reach the Network Hub in the continuing journey next week.
Two character deaths. I lost a rather good character. Feel sad. Tark Solar Sun was at death’s door before dying and rebirth. He’s our new leader, since Drake Carson stopped breathing. His bro, Slo-Hammer Skull, a character without any charm or Stat of value, will undoubtedly be replaced by next week. Maybe the new Stat generation will be 5D4 drop highest.
We moved in constant need to find Fuel. Changes for that are in-work.
Still fun & More later