Message:Up front, be nice to have a second Tech-Ninja. My brother’s dice are cold, cold. Like space.
Play occurs over ten sections of a Space Hulk. Movement will prompt monsters, treasure or problems (traps). Each section has several of these.
Goal: Collect the parts to assemble a working escape craft. The entirety of the craft is alien tech. You will repurpose the alien tech to make something familiar.
We cleared two maps of ten and have a reasonable pile of Salvage. Conrad keeps losing his Scout role and becoming a Heavy Weapon spec-guy, like me. The maps will get harder as more Aliens appear.
We restored the Hulk’s Artificial Gravity which means we can freely shift back and forth from Grizzled Vet.
We know how to build the Med-bay (restore starting health and status) and Data Center (one of four modules needed for Victory. But we lack the salvage parts.
Found a Table:
* Calamity (D6) = Crabs! (1), Obstacle (2), Exhaust Laser (3), Grizzled status (4), Trouble (5), MIA (6). Substitute Crabs! for any problem that you already have.
More next week…