Message:We found ourselves accused of murder, when in fact we were merely looting the dead. Ratcatcher Blyton was an Uncle, so maybe it was inheritance without probate.
Our first task of the session was to face an Unbridle, which we scared into falling off the wall into Wine Sot using Janice Jay’s amulet. We also discovered the Unbridled are more heavily armored from the front.
I had to borrow a Steel Mirror from Faruk having lost mine in our first Bad Fate mishap (card flip).
We found that the passage into Rain Edge was had by activating a one-way gate motion sensor. The path in Rain Edge clearly marked to keep locals from stepping too close to the gate and allowing recreants to enter their domain. We determined that we can use Sia’s Displacer Beasts to open the gate. Allowing the beasts to move by and at least one of them will shift to the opposite side.
We knew time was late and Erik’s party was not going to last weeks and weeks. We acquired our invitation after beseeching the Overlord Vex at one of his many shrines. He told us to seek the Ratcatcher. We found the man murdered and stand accuse. Until at Erik’s party, invite in hand, we exposed an illusionary Rakshasa, an imposter in Erik’s form. This beast we killed. The monster’s boot prints were about Blyton’s body.
We ended the game heading to Legion District to report Erik-Rakshasa, having found we can enter through an illusion covering a breach at Gift Wall. Next week we try to catch the Prefect as he wanders about on patrol.
The party collected reward of an XP twice in the session, once for reaching Rain Edge and second for entering Legion District. Toothless also gained a third XP from a happy event.
More next week….Catch the Legion Prefect. Go into Rain Edge and finagle a charter to trade. Fire Cult will burn down Owl & Hawk (soon). Cult is driven by Overlord’s Edit: Lay waste to more; ignore your enemies wails.
==Toothless becomes the next Lorekeeper==
Carved Warning & Weird Statue—Someone becomes the lorekeeper (random) and begins to roll a D4-percent of accumulated knowledge of an ancient language. The party will only have one lorekeeper at a time. Also means the next card is forecast in methods too obscure to be clear. Yet because the danger ahead is expected, the DefMod on the next Event becomes minus D4. Unless Light Magic (group once) is Tested, regardless of the actual Playing Card Suit-Rank of this event. Roll D8 for Lorekeeper Boon.
Lorekeeper Boon
1. Heal damage to party = lore rank.
2. Gain Mulligan.
3. Gain Stop-Harm.
4. Gain clue to Demon’s name.
5. Gain ability to hold Mulligan & Stop-Harm past shuffle for remainder of this session.
6. Gain all pips in party w/o loss to HP or using up XP points.
7. Gain XP to award to another player.
8. Double current lore rating (not above 80)