Message:Take a regular deck of cards and mark them with a sharpie (or wait for us to create the graphics).
You assemble as fantasy knights in a tavern. You return from a quest to share stories of high adventure. Each player is trying to claim the greater glory. Win the game by creating the most Story Arcs that begin with the play of a Heroic Claim card and continue past all challenges.
The game can be played through one-deck or multiple shuffles with a true winner the first to score eleven or more.
Sequence of Play
A. Shuffle, cut and deal all cards. Discard the odd leftovers.
B. The dealer declares a number from zero to five. This is the number of cards each player must pass to the player on his left.
C. Play then progresses around the table with dealer going first.
D. On your turn you must play one card. Either play a card to start a fresh Heroic Claim pile for yourself, or play a card on an active Story Arc. You play cards on others to dispute their claim. You can also play cards on your own Story Arcs to cancel challenges. Wilds Cards force limitations on an opposing player.
E. You must play a card on your turn. If you cannot play a card, you Pass-out. Turn all your remaining cards over. Once you Pass-Out, you no longer play cards. Your active Story Arcs remain for others to spoil or for you to cash as victory points.
F. Stop play and score, once any player has no cards left or all players Pass-out. Gain one point for each of your Heroic Claims that survived unchallenged.
G. No true skunks. Any player who scores zero with no Heroic Claims at the end of play is a "True Paladin" and instead scores one point for every opponent in the game.
Think of the initial cards you play out for yourself as story threads. Each story thread could last undisputed to the end. Else, by making each Heroic Claim, you open that assertion to challenges. A challenge would be when someone else throws a card on top of your claim. You or anyone might later counter the challenge.
Unique Deck has Eight Suits
Hearts, Diamonds, Stars = Heroic Claims
Spades Skepticism
Swords Contradictions
Clubs Explanations
Moons Obfuscation
Trumpets Jocularity
Wild Cards
***Hearts, Diamonds, Stars are played to start Heroic Claims. Diamonds are the only card suit of these three which may be played over to cancel a Spade. All may be used to start Story Arc piles.
***Spades Skepticism are only played on opponent's Hearts.
***Swords Contradiction are played on opponent's Hearts, Diamonds, or Stars.
***Clubs Explanation are played on your own Heroic Claims covered by Spades or Swords. These may only be played on your own Story Arcs.
***Moons cancels any card. Both it and the card it cancels are discarded from play. Moons cancel J'Accuse Wild Cards or the face-up card of any Story Arc. One restriction, Moons may not play directly to cancel your own Heroic Tales.
***Trumpets cause an entire pile of cards to be discarded from play. Trumpets may only be played on opponents. These do not cancel Wild Cards.
***Wild Cards: J'Accuse, Distractions & Comedic Timing are played on players not on cards of any Story Arcs. Each limits the kind of cards a player can play.
==52 cards===
Eight Suits
Hearts, Diamonds, Stars = Heroic Claim
Spades Skepticism
Swords Contradiction
Clubs Explanation
Moon Obfuscation
Trumpet Jocularity
Story Threads—Hearts
I slew the horrible dragon.
I killed the dragon's vile mate.
I was first to glory, finding and entering the lair.
I destroyed the egg chamber.
I looted more jewels then I could carry.
Story Threads—Diamonds
I saved our party, healed all who suffered grievously.
I carried the King's Sword.
I led the party; they followed my plan.
I wielded the Magic Crystal.
I made a beer stein from one of the teeth.
Story Threads—Stars
I was destined to solve the great riddle.
I unlocked the titanic entrance.
I engineered a way to cross the bottomless chasm.
I had successful parley with Dwarf Lords.
I unlocked dormant magical powers.
How did your armor survive the flames?
What about the ancient curses?
The monster's venom had no cure?
The creatures were enchanted, invulnerable?
Legends state all the treasure is illusionary?
Wasn't there multiple empty, false lairs?
How did you pass the crypts of undead?
How did you navigate the maze?
How did you open the arcane vault?
How did you translate the altar runes?
Obviously, that required aid from my demigod relative.
Solved by playing my ace-in the hole, a secret pact with the demonic realms.
Aided by my lover, the Fae Queen, that was no problem.
Simple matter of hiring the right mercenary expendables.
Some heroes are simply more heroic than others.
Let's suspensefully wait for the next round of drinks.
Hold that thought as I attend to my throng of admiring ladies.
Out of respect for the lute player, I shan't shout.
Surely you jest in thinking that was indeed real.
The credit goes back to you; this being a group victory.
I am busy, petting the dog.
Sadly, we all fled, every man for himself.
We needed multiple resurrections at the temple.
We forgot to carry certain key supplies and holy relics.
We ran-out of persistence and returned to court empty-handed.
Our route was scorched arid, hopeless thirst and delirium.
J'Accuse—Wild Card
Poltroon, you mostly hid in the rear. (Unable hereafter to play Story Thread Hearts.)
Lackadaisical, you were always drowsy on your watch. (Unable hereafter to play Story Thread Diamonds.)
Clumsy Oaf, you barely survived the first pitfall. (Unable hereafter to play Story Thread Stars.)
Witless Knave, incessantly complaining. (Unable hereafter to play Obfuscation Moon.)
Somber Braggard, thinks himself a paragon, faultless. (Unable hereafter to play Jocularity Trumpets.)
Distractions—Wild Card
Dirk on Ribcage; both you and victim discard all Hearts remaining in your hand.
Collecting Usury; both you and victim discard all Diamonds remaining in your hand.
Petty Jealousy; both you and victim discard all Stars remaining in your hand.
Comedic Timing—Wild Card
Pedantic Debate; both you and victim discard all Wild Cards remaining in your hand.
Haggling the Bill; both you and victim discard all Clubs remaining in your hand.
Seeing Man about a Horse; both you and victim discard all Swords remaining in your hand.