Message:Classic rules, cuz that's what I can load onto all my tablets.
Over a millennium in the future, centuries after MRD (Mortality Reduction Drugs) gave immortality to all, long after after the galaxy was ravaged by full war - ended by the Pacification Virus - the Terrans, the tripedal Cruz, reptillian Skia and fungoid Cimmer have formed the Tetra-League in a mutual defense agreement to stave off the growing threat of the alien Kro and their death fleet, the Karfu Horde, as well as Verdigris slavers, Elien psychics, anomalous Stygians, and other threats. The players are among the one-in-a-million Immunes, not left helpless by Pacification.
The Battle Born are the power-suited Troopers responsible for holding the line against external threats. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Cruz Band is Squad #64 (of 100), ready to take on their next orbital drop mission.
What mysteries will emerge from Dr. Maxwell's ""Project Silver Hammer"" at Upsilon Sigma Sakai Research Station? The squad will travel Across the Universe, Here, There, and Everywhere in their Yellow Space Machine. They Should have Known Better, since, in the end, they'll go Back to the U.S.S.R.
Now I have to write a mission to go with those terrible puns.
They will fight a Scary Monster in the "Octopus's Garden."