Message:1. Another Lost Cause
With a lifespan uninhibited by aging, one can possibly do anything. Among other things, I learned to play the piano, bred champion Pekinese and won the bodybuilding title Mister Walkerverse™. Today, several hundred years after those goals, I can’t recall how to form a C major chord, that breed now resembles more of a Dane, and I’ve lost count of how many times my muscles have atrophied, only to be once again sculpted. Presently I’m stuck in a middle funk between fat fug and Greek hero. (Ed. Note: Is there a story in here somewhere?) My buddy Lance will add his cogent editorial comments here and there. (Cogent? I wonder if he knows he's paying me a compliment?)
Hey guys, I almost forgot to say, Bucky here. How's life in the utopia of the future? I'm still stuck, ship and crew, slowly being pulled into a singularity. But since it might be seven hundred years before I get squashed to the size of a chickpea, Sarge told me I had to find a hobby. I chose calligraphy. (He doesn't understand that means fancy schmancy lettering not writing letters.)