Message:Fire Cult is Gone. Painted Cultists (Throughout): Painted cultists armed with firehoses, torches and the paint on their own skin aflame. Weaponry, Restoration, plus one other Test roll. Weaponry is still dice until success from the ruthless danger. REWARD (x2) – Add to your Wand.
Herald of Flame, a Voicebox of Vex. Lay waste to more; ignore as your enemies wail.
The door to the area was fused shut. “Extremes seem wrong. Still, the easy solution is to just flick and tug and gyro everything. That will generate a near random net result.” A complicated binary puzzle had to be solved to open the passage. The players got it on the last try. They still thought the five-panel puzzle was pressing the right knob A, B, C, D or E. Rather than seeing the result as Try pressing one, then a pair, then a trio (any, with right answer pressing four, not all five.
Face a six-armed knight, each of his swords ablaze. Defeat it and silence the sway of the cult. There will still be residual members and stragglers, but without the whisper of Vex, the cult is broken. The players attacked the device like an armored knight, deciding correctly to strike Middle (limbs).
Killing the Herald had it’s demeaner change, brighten and the voice becomes angelic. “I am the Blind Nursemaid Prophet. Build a nest for my return. I will rise like a phoenix.” For now that statement, etched in your minds is too cryptic even for a lucky guess. The nest could be a metaphor or not. The location could be here or not.
We will be taking a break from this campaign to start the Star Wars campaign (using the same XGear ruleset).