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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- Did You Even Study This?!? -- IronRed (2020-11-18)
---- And with heavy heart ... I have to report ... -- IronConrad (2020-11-18)
------ Lamentations got .03% bet half that was the Sunday Group!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- IronFred (2020-11-18)
-------- Well if you are going to "game" it ... -- IronConrad (2020-11-19)
-------- That would be 1990 all over again -- IronRed (2020-11-18)
---- Potter is for Spectators .... -- IronConrad (2020-11-18)
------ Conrad is on to something and this is the reason Hollywood has not made a movie of -- IronFred (2020-11-18)
-- The numbers tell the story .... -- IronConrad (2020-11-18)
-- We need some custom sheets for Better Games -- IronFred (2020-11-17)

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