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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- A Letter On the Most Recent Events Delivered to L.L. at Lady Catherine's Sanitorium (Belfast) -- IronTasha (2021-01-14)
---- A Letter, as Dictated, from “L.L.” to “Y” (Delivered "In Care Of" Commodore NVA Mayweather) -- IronMike (2021-01-16)
------ Correspondence from Commodore NVA Mayweather to Director Yonten, LCTC as dictated to L.E. Chatchapea -- IronTasha (2021-01-19)
------ That Mayweather Reads All The Mail? -- IronFred (2021-01-16)
-------- Some mail...maybe...if Mayweather bothers to read it. -- IronMike (2021-01-17)
---- Making of a fine Bodice Ripper -- IronRed (2021-01-15)
------ Bodice Ripper...or Gothic Horror? -- IronMike (2021-01-15)
-- Climax (narrative) begins next week. -- IronMike (2021-01-14)

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