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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- This very website has a Cutlass Character Generator .... -- IronConrad (2021-03-30)
---- And it's quite nice -- gatesphere (2021-03-31)
------ A good bit of fun, indeed -- IronRed (2021-04-01)
------ Trying to Make Steady Progress ... -- IronConrad (2021-03-31)
-- Like checkbox for The Purse -- IronRed (2021-03-30)
---- Limbs lopped off seems noteworthy -- gatesphere (2021-03-30)
------ Sure, make fun of the cripple -- IronTony (2021-03-30)
-------- Why is that you are so Famous -- IronRed (2021-03-31)
---------- Uploaded Character Sheet. Ah, yes, Tony's "Gargoyle." -- IronMike (2021-03-31)
------------ Thanks, nice stuff -- gatesphere (2021-04-01)
-- Very efficient use of space. -- IronMike (2021-03-30)
---- Good ideas all -- gatesphere (2021-03-30)

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