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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- Hard to beat this for miniatures ... -- IronConrad (2021-04-21)
---- Cats who still Do Figures -- IronRed (2021-04-22)
------ Or, Evil just has to get to the bedroom, one handspan at a time. -- IronMike (2021-04-25)
-------- Who Needs Maps, Indeed? -- IronRed (2021-04-25)
---------- Why We Like Dry Erase Maps -- IronFred (2021-04-26)
------------ If Only Gamers were Interesting -- IronRed (2021-04-27)
-------------- Too Much of a Good (?) Thing .... -- IronConrad (2021-04-28)
-------- Egads ... Sharpie on a Battle Map ... You truly are evil -- IronConrad (2021-04-25)
---------- Ok, ok, dry erase marker. -- IronMike (2021-04-25)
------ My brain can't process what you say ..... -- IronConrad (2021-04-23)
------ You don't need the latest and greatest plotter -- IronFred (2021-04-22)
-- He Wants 100K -- IronRed (2021-04-21)
---- Pretty sure the ink is toxic too ... -- IronConrad (2021-04-21)

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