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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- Very useful -- IronMike (2021-06-04)
---- I think the bear man should just start killing them all -- IronFred (2021-06-06)
------ Pushed the Bear into the Neighbor's Yard .... hehe -- IronConrad (2021-06-07)
------ So much wow... -- IronMike (2021-06-06)
-- Didn't we kill Ares? -- IronConrad (2021-06-03)
---- Kinda a Rule -- IronRed (2021-06-03)
------ Hey now I wanted to Escape on first action when this encounter came up -- IronFred (2021-06-03)
-------- So you're saying you had a chance? -- IronConrad (2021-06-04)
-- Yes we need a scorecard for all this :) -- IronFred (2021-06-03)

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