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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- ... should be capable of "withstanding catastrophic events ... -- IronConrad (2022-09-28)
---- Truth better than fiction - Winchester Mystery House. -- IronMike (2022-09-29)
------ Second Only to Graceland in my memory .... -- IronConrad (2022-10-06)
-------- Two I still Keep in back of my mind -- IronRed (2022-10-06)
---------- Appomattox was moving .... -- IronConrad (2022-10-06)
------------ Redoubt 10 -- IronRed (2022-10-06)
-- Read about it the day after it happened -- Iron Squires (2022-09-28)
---- Hehe ... if the standard was don't believe in stupid things ....yikes .... -- IronConrad (2022-09-28)
-- This is why... -- IronMike (2022-09-27)

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