Interview link please.
Message:That's the post.
Just curious which of the four credited writers it was.
Of course, two of those writers are the directors.
Edit. Never mind. Found it.
Red, your quotes and comments are somewhat taken out of context.
Yes, the writers said D&D can't be taken seriously, and was "written with a wink," but the writers also had a weekly campaign for over fours years which ended because they were working on the movie. They bring up the Intellect Devourer - correctly described as a "Brain with four legs."
They discussed how the varied plot twists were crap the DM threw at the party to mess with them.
They described Chris Pine's character as the guy whose player is casual and never bothered to read the rulebook. They described the "emasculation" as not woke, just funny that the guy wants to be heroic but isn't.
I won't say I agree with the direction of the film - not that I was planning on seeing it - but I won't say this is being made by people who don't actually know and/or play D&D and are shitting on it.
For God's sake every Era Ten campaign is based on bad jokes. Conrad wrote a scenario with lobster men who breathed melted butter. Red ran a mission based on hating his job at TSA. It's not like gaming can't be tongue in cheek. For sake of argument, if one were to make an Era Ten movie, should it be winking at the audience with a bit of snark like most of the missions the game creators run, or does the movie have to lean into the utterly bleak and depressing horror of the setting backstory? I can do both. Hell, I can both. I can go into utterly high concept. How about this: The Artifact, when it creates wormholes acts as an "observer" which "locks" the quantum state of the area where the wormhole opens. This prevents multiversal splitting (the literal interpretation of Wheeler and Schrodinger), stressing the entire cosmos. Know why the Artifact predates the Big Bang? Overuse of wormholes locked down causality and destroyed the universe before ours. Jack Foster is literally destroying space/time. Now, do we play that for laughs or drama? Cuz I have a headcanon where Foster eventually expands a single point in space/time to cut the Artifact off from everything else and kills himself to save reality. It's a tragedy.
Anyhoo, I don't think the writers of the film intend to disrespect the game.
WotC/Hasbro? They have no respect. 4e was all about making D&D more like Worlds of Warcraft. That's the suits not creatives.