Message:Did not take us long to clear the SNAFU and Jump & Die to the Helium Dock. That too went with ease. With Rojo being a level five DOC, all is well. That Cruz would later go insane.
Why do Cimmer hate riddles? Because it’s too easy for them to get stumped.
Met the locals, a group calling themselves the Georgia Hippies. All were protesting: Why can’t my money just go for peace and love and rock & roll? The Georgians are pacifists refusing to pay tribute tax to sustain any war. No War Tax, dude. But they would pay a Peace Dividend. Drug addled from euphoria drugs, the locals were now a mix of the jet set and the dead of head.
I can’t talk to a helmet; open your visor at least so I can see you’re not the Kro. The locals didn’t seem to have any appreciable wealth. Most were not local, identified in HUD as outsiders, vacationers, kids of executives, the press and performance artists. This fugging station has been turned into Burning Walker Man!
We wandered and found the air supply was not the problem. The drugs were self-ingested. The Taint sections we crossed were all unchanged. Only the Hippy areas were affected. Sometimes you need to get out of
take the next card as who do I kill Q&D. Maybe ask a few fricken’ questions. Or don’t. It will all resolve itself in the end, and rolls will get missed so Plan B is plasma. (See the Bash and Punch tables.)
Each place of the celebration put us more and more into angry mode. Damn did we hit spot after spot like arrow throws on a kid’s dart board. As we felt passive, the EE Suits jolted us with adrenalin. Hulk Smash! Gillardo alone survived many rolls before joining the dance of pain. From the get-go, Inganeer and Rojo never resisted the chance to punch-punch peaceniks. Should we have even tried to roll. Technically, it could be party-wipe when everyone failed to resist, but instead tonight was everyone Wang Chung Fu the attendees. It was all filmed for the Tetra-League audience and rivaled the Stones at Altamont.
The planet had various contrails of transports leaving at erratic intervals. Yet there was no landing base seen. Hidden? The group figured out that the Crime Lords were behind this festival as cover for their operations but could not find a definitive reason. Maybe stick to one path instead of picking every cross map to traverse!
Some of the hippies were sober and trying to tell the group: OVE, man, OVE. Eventually that was deciphered as Outrageous Violations Eastward (to East). No course was seen there, so the group wandered. Eventually it found a Shuttle Dock and from there found a whole secret complex to fight. When the rolls were needed, the dice were low. Hence, brute force solved the adventure.
By the end everyone in the squad had a vicious, past Durable. As said before, the Cruz went insane. But the Crime Lord Ablem was arrested. Growth was checked for Inganeer and Rojo by going off on MACE sponsored retreat (epilog) were rolls were actually made.
Well, read the attached tables and realize how taking ten+ of those cards for each player over the course of two hours left us with the loss of nine squad ranks, two NPCs, one Proxy and charges of using excessive force on peaceful protesters. This when we began with two Clever skips.
Some might say all to be expected in the day in the life of a trooper.
Four more systems to go as the characters begin to crest level five. Manny O' Manny, do I for one need double rolls.