Message:The group entered the dungeons of the Red Beast on four quests. We hope to rescue Pip. Cage the Basilisk. Find proof of Odi’s life. Find the Lighthouse Battery. Finally, escort a group calling themselves the Young Knights on their tests of manhood. We think we found the Battery, along with a man-sized Magnet that the charged box might energize. We collected two chests of Treasure, part of a set of four. The chests were made by the Demigod of Gold Chrysis. We think we know where two more are located in the Red Palace but we’ll have to cross the throneroom of the Jenolan Owl God, Hibou-Chouette (Eeboo-Schwet).
When we entered the mines, we met three talking Skulls, which seemed to be a logic puzzle. One was truthful, one was contrary and one just laughed. But the skulls were in truth a game played on us by the Demon Dagon, an entity inside one of our magic items.
We deactivated a number of traps and suffered little damage, a Spirit and group Bruise/Cuts. Yet the combat with the Jenolan grows harder since now they might strip away our Glory Pips, along with causing Bruise/Cuts wounds or transform into Great Beasts. Otherwise, the group is rather strong with three level three characters and two level two.
We have not found Pip or a basilisk to cage.
We thought we found Odie, stuffed, and brought a death mask and his house key as proof. Penelope said this was not Odie, but was instead Friar Davy, a companion. If the group found part of Chrysis gold, then Odysseus is after the rest in the Ziggurat. Upcoming adventure?
We decided to return to the Red Palace to defeat the Owl god, then we might be headed with Penelope to the Ziggurat to look for her husband and the rest of Chrysis’ chests.
Play continues next week.