Message:We have found both a splendid and terrifying house rule for the game. As the players face a monster, it evolves. That’s part of the game already. But we also starting interpreting the rule—fail with doubles—to mean any failed result in which the initial dice are doubles. So adding a single Glory pip, in most cases, will not change the Harm. We are more attuned as a group to gaining bonus and will probably start generating character immunities to Harm going forward. But for the moment, the game is becoming more dangerous, especially when players make rolls to add Skills into play that are extraneous. We plan more for what we need and work to an end. Makes for faster, interesting play.
The party wandered through the three lava archipelagos. One hero made a cape from Drake skin. I cheated as Ref and said he could not make a canoe. That would have changed the entire hunt (of the quest), so the gods intervened .Good idea, but I ruled against the clever idea=instant win. I shed a tear.
The players are hunting for blue potions and pitchers of ice beard. If they could sail to the objective, the pit of hell, across the lava, then the map would be meaningless. Maybe I could rationalize that all the drakes would attack the craft. Only by making a normal safe space by cooling the lava with ice beard or potion can the trek be completed.
I had fun.
The heart of the demon Ba’Te’Wet’Ab will be dropped down the well next week and then we need to escape the lava explosion.
Dagon remains pleased by our understanding of his Aphorisms.
Never too late to join us as the game has its own balance with high level players working with new ones. Adding skills to play is adding skills to play.