Message:Enter the Fem Fatale. She may be the evil boss of the main adventure, the main rival meeting us from the get-go or a sub-boss of another cabal that wants to stop the greater plot. Martha Greta offered the players direction. She is familiar to most of the players, but none can truly recall from where or under what circumstances. Each player declared his Hesitant Trust or Wariness. All seemed to trust Martha. She may be followed with guarded optimism. Her agenda may be one where she is the enemy of an enemy. Is that enough?
The party began patrolling about NYC. A discovery was made that an interfaith conference at Carnegie Hall was being corrupted.
An invisible actor made comment: "It looks as if a night of dark intent was coming. And not only a night, an age."
Certain City Facets were found to be safe:
City Facet (5) = “Arena Sports”: Aspirations, Fitness
City Facet (15) = “Police Enforcement”: Aspirations, Civility, Fitness, Trust
City Facet (18) = “Courts”: Civility, Wealth
City Facet (22) = “Incarceration”: Civility, Fitness, Wealth
City Facet (27) = “Radio”: Aspirations, Civility, Trust, Wealth
====Stage One========
WHO? Trump NPC (8) = “Crusading Preacher George Sutherland” (We failed to recruit his aid.)
WHAT? City Facet (19) = “Fashion”: Aspirations, Civility, Wealth (The enemy cabal of the main plot wishes to destroy at least one of these aspects. Unfortunately, that means any of the ten cabals.)
WHERE? Manhattan (The easiest domain for encounters.)
WHEN? Stage 1 (of five)
WHY? Certain firebrands are railing against the length of skirts and exposure of neck and shoulders. The whole seems inordinately passionate, cabal influenced.
HOW? The meeting ignored the elephant in the room that statues of the Virgin Mary have been desecrated. In response to the sacrilege a new radicalized group founded, Italian Sons and Daughters of America (ISDA) with the goal to keep its strong sense of community alive and thriving. Church groups are growing in intramural hatred between the congregations of different parishes.
The party moved to Brooklyn for Stage Two but was diverted by a battle with a werewolf that resulted in all characters suffering vicious wounds. The party then ruled out the
Cabal Syndicate by attacking its sub-boss and eventually running for their lives.
Brawn Skeleton, Antihero of PanUltra (30) Divine Touch of Protean, Ametabolic, Acuity, Potent Traits. Too many Banes to ever make the villain vulnerable.
We eventually all escaped, gaining Ignobles and swagger in this action and others.
We will need to pacify the ISDA and will meet the Brawn Skeleton again. Running only makes the enemy more emboldened. If we ever catch Martha Greta in a lie, only then, will we lose her influence (for good or bad) upon the group.
Of note on Clue Points:
A. Rule Out a Cabal. This can also be done intuitively from City Facets.
B. Discover which Burrough is next Stage of Plot. Or a Question Part of any active Stage.
C. Recover from Wound.
D. Add Lair Swagger.
E. Best Made Plans.
F. Avoid Digressions, but NPC also aid this.
Back next week with Pulp Heroes.