Message:Possibly long overdue, but I wrote Xcel macro to generate Era Ten scenarios for flip-card. The encounters have not been integrated and may not be. I enjoy seeing the cards real-time. There is also some use in flipping the mission in table-top, but I need a quick system for
Battle Born Next flip-card, starting Sunday.
Here's an example of the output:
Patron: Journalist. These are people that look for stories and try to find corruption and conspiracy. Both sell access time on the Media Lines. Depending upon the patron's mission and motive, he could be a flunky of a cartel and reports only what he is told, or a true crusader and a dangerous person to know. Generally, players do not like reporters, because they lack a soldier's sense of duty. They publicize activities that are better left unknown. If the mission seems straight forward like crew duty almost always the players will still end-up involved in a greater story. Of course most everything written by journalists is grossly exaggerated in an effort to entertain the Immune viewers.
Quirk: Patron is proficient in personal arms and has killed helpless victims previously in cold blood. Those in his presence will feel uneasy. He has a natural terror and intimidates all he faces. To properly simulate this presence, the patron can not be slain in personal combat except by a special event or a particular person. Only a major battle with a vastly superior opponent can end his life. In most cases, the player will not refuse this patron at least at the start. The patron may not be a Blood Knight, but often he has cybernetic limbs and organs, in no way cosmetically concealed, which enhance his demeanor of death.
Mission: Test the performance of a ship or device.
Twist: To complete the mission, the players must recruit the aid of a past enemy or the rival himself.
Motive: Change legally recognized political boundaries or trade routes.
Deviant Attitudes: Patron feels mission will be personally satisfying.
Clout Hitch: Simple possessions and a device he claims has great value -- Amazing Technology.
Cash Problems: All the finances were secured as a debt the patron now owes to one of the major cartels (usually the Journeyman).
Unforeseen Difficulties: League's finest union of technicians or a society of intellectuals becomes involved, usually the Phi-Sigma Trust.
Unquessable Intersections: Misunderstanding of the mission will cause it to fail on the first time it is attempted. Skip the climax the first time it would have been entered and run the encounters again through the settings from the start. Else, quit and resolve the epilogue. This mission must be attempted twice from the start in order to succeed.
Rival: Leader of Modern Cult, Pontifex Maximus of Church of Galactic Vision, Nial Fin.
Bonus Flesh-Out: Rival is someone other than he appears. This becomes obvious to the players once they meet him. He is probably famous for some other unrelated act or experience. Once confronted, switch to the rival's true identity. Perhaps treat the rival as a generic stock character, but later reveal him as a different historic persona.
Enemy Forces or Threats: Castle Defense. Rival and his forces will only exist in powerful strongholds. Because they are so reclusive, the players and patron may think they are weak. The main challenge will occur in the climax, which usually must enter one of the rival's bastions.
Ace-Hole: Personally Mesmerizing. By technological aid or mastery of skill, the rival can create phantasm and hideous images. Else he employs decoys that lead the players to attack one another. Nothing will be as it appears.
System Endgame: Depot Rest-Stop System which is simply a base positioned in space away from a planet or asteroid (i.e. a natural platform). These are bases that are positioned along the most widely used worm hole routes. Worm Holes greatly reduce the distance between star systems, but a finite distance that must be crossed still exists between planets. Usually this depot is on a crossroads of several worm holes. Many systems have colonies (inhabitants) on several bases in different planetary locations and orbits. Between lengthy outposts with voyages of over a month, depots have been routinely established. These are highly automated and seldom staffed. These places will not have Taints. Depots were designed as a recreation for emergency repairs. But in recent times, vandalism and theft has left most a shell of past splendor. Third-Party Restrictive Security, Meddling and Obstacles -- low, only other ship crews and occasional vagrants.
World Jump & Die: Fear Panetoid World, Covert Base or Derelict Station where exists a colony that is constantly terrorized by Cimmer raiders. Planet usually has a leader that refuses to capitulate to raids and leave, and yet the colony is too far removed or strategically and economically valueless to justify stationing Guards. ("Hey, the raiders will only move to another system, perhaps the one from which we took the Guards. We all got problems.") Colony will have modest raw materials or processing, but remains stunted by loss to raids. They need a champion. ("Any volunteers, numbering seven perhaps?") Immune Density -- low.
Terrain Handicaps: Wet packed sand and shallow salt water pools, rapidly change into crashing surf as tide flows. Flowing water has to be one of the most powerful and dangerous natural forces. Vehicles and men risk crushing if caught downed or unaware by rising water level. Natural Danger meaning during travel or combat in or out of vehicle, players suffering loss of control will become injured (unsettling, morale wound). No cover while moving meaning players may not select Guarded Advance as an option for Tactical Assaults.
Climax Ground Zero: Recently Discovered System or Planet yet to be Surveyed.
I will sometime get this code on the site for download. When? Anyone's guess.