Message:Pro Tip: You want best Titans, spend Emeralds. Don't try to be 130 poor. Be seventy Very Strong.
Too many players are level 80 w/ mid forty character sets from grabbing Team EXP (don't) and trying too hard to get every Hero advanced. That's not this game. Find your best combo of five, next five and final five. Level your best (only) w/ all the +1 Winkees:
By trying to level one step a day from 15 to 30, you arrive there with lots of money and all the gear ready to bring fifteen toons to max. But which toons?
Spending some days just doing the minimum (Tower) is for the best.
Character (lvl)
+++ SKILLS +++
Best Titans -- TBD
***Campaign Notes
***Soul Stones Thea, Johnny (Galahad), Asteroth
***Titan Dungeon
***Spend h2o (Water for guild Coins)
***Arena x5
***Grand Arena x5
***Asgard (7p)
***Titan War
***Level Skin, Glyph, Titan Dust, Artifacts, et al
***Guild Gifts
***Guild Activity (850)
***Egg Pet
***Energy x3
***Pet Food (10p)
***Merchant (10p)