Message:Endgame Unguessable (D20)
1 or less: Roll on this table between each round of combat.
2: Add D4 extra rounds to the battle.
3: Shorten combat by half the rounds, but all damage from failed Stat tests increases to D4.
4: Between each round of combat, all test Stat STR with fail meaning the party suffers D4 damage to distribute as they please.
5: Between each round of combat, all test Stat INT with fail meaning the party suffers D4 damage to distribute as they please.
6: Between each round of combat, all test Stat CON with fail meaning the party suffers D4 damage to distribute as they please.
7: Between each round of combat, all test Stat DEX with fail meaning the party suffers D4 damage to distribute as they please.
8: Between each round of combat, all test Stat PER with fail meaning the party suffers D4 damage to distribute as they please.
9: Add one extra round to the battle at DefMod (-4).
10: Everyone discard a one-time use Magic Item or suffers 2D4 damage.
11: Discard a one-time use Magic Item or party suffers 3D4 damage.
12: Lose all Mana Pips and Mulligans in this battle.
13: Each character turns off one random Magic Item for the fight or suffers 2D4 damage.
14: Turn off one random Magic Item for the fight or suffer 3D4 damage to the party.
15: DefMod (-4) when testing Stat STR.
16: DefMod (-4) when testing Stat INT.
17: DefMod (-4) when testing Stat CON.
18: DefMod (-4) when testing Stat DEX.
19: DefMod (-4) when testing Stat PER.
20 or more: No Overkill in this battle.