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Example Magic in Combat

King Cups Magical: Call down hail, meteors, a flock of birds, leaves, dust, snow, etc, creating a maelstrom of debris. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail and player must select Escape going forward. Regardless, all players must return to battle regardless of vicious injury, knock out, mishap or escape. Difficulty: 8 Advantage: Wizardry Telekinesis (D)
Queen Cups Magical: Mask the faces and forms of everyone, so that your opponents strike each other, and not one of your rivals is sure who his enemy truly is. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. Difficulty: 7 Advantage: Wizardry Illusions (I)
Knight Cups Magical: Enough black arts for the moment; as they cower, cut them all down. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. Regardless, lose one swaggering on your blade or mount. If none, then lowest level person with either must lose a swaggering of his choice. If there are no swaggering anywhere, the event is catastrophic to the entire party. If its any consolation, the enemy is no longer Enraged. Difficulty: 5 Advantage: Trait Bold
Knave Cups Magical: Gesticulate and bellow your intent to unleash a volley of pure fury on the enemy. Success and escape from the battle; player may stay in the action and gain the Fury Pip to his rolls. Regardless, all players must select Irregular as Method in next round’s attack. Difficulty: 8 Advantage: Trait Clever
10 Cups Magical: Experiment with witchery and devilish charms, curses read in moldy tomes or overheard in hushed tones. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail and select Irregular next round. Regardless, enemy is now Enraged (adds to their defensive modifier and deadliness). Difficulty: 11 Advantage: Trait Gifted
9 Cups Magical: Listen to your inner voice, trust the forces of nature which guide. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail and next round the player must change to a different attack Method. Difficulty: 9 Advantage: Wizardry Spirit Guide (R)
8 Cups Magical: Lightning arcs from your spread fingers as you clench your teeth to keep them from shattering. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail and suffer Shaken (penalty). Difficulty: 10 Advantage: Wizardry Voltaic (N)
7 Cups Magical: Amplify the simmering hatreds and betrayals of the enemy; combat being the perfect cover to seek revenge. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail and enemy is Enraged. Difficulty: 10 Advantage: Wizardry Thought Control (P)
6 Cups Magical: Operate your weapon and shield remotely or turn the enemy’s own arms against him. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail roll and suffer a vicious wound. Difficulty: 8 Advantage: Wizardry Telekinesis (D)
5 Cups Magical: Fold the earthly surface and create a crushing wall of stone, water and debris, enveloping the fools opposed to your plans. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail roll and suffer a vicious wound. Difficulty: 7 Advantage: Wizardry Geomancy (C)
4 Cups Magical: Summon a terrible wind, which freezes right to the bones. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail roll and suffer a vicious wound. Regardless, all players suffer Shaken (penalty). Difficulty: 7 Advantage: Wizardry Paralysis (Q)
3 Cups Magical: Even if the site is not littered with the recently defeated, there is always a rivulet of skels and corpses just under the turf ready to burst forth. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail roll and knocked unconscious. Flair: if any adversary is Nasty, player must change his Method next round. Difficulty: 9 Advantage: Wizardry Necromancy (H)
2 Cups Magical: A gesture oft used, often to entertain, suddenly produces a more meaningful magical result; too bad you don’t quite recall what you just did as you delight in the consequences. Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, fail roll and suffer a vicious wound. Difficulty: 9 Advantage: Skill Prestidigitation
Ace Cups Magical: Fireball! Success and dispatch a half D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. Regardless, next round the player must change to a different attack Method. Maybe you’d like to repeat the act with Recitation? Difficulty: 7 Advantage: Wizardry Pyrotechnics (K)

Example Recitation
N – Voltaic
15 or better: Dispatch a full D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary.
14: Dispatch a full D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, also lose swaggering wizardry.
13: Dispatch half a D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary.
12: Dispatch half a D8 opponents or one Large+ adversary. But, also lose swaggering wizardry.
10 – 11: Dispatch one opponent, but not a Large+ adversary. Add a half D8 steps toward oblivion on your tally of Warped Outcomes.
9: Lose swaggering wizardry. Change method; you may not attempt Recitation next round.
8: Change Method next round to Brash.
7: Select Irregular next round.
6: Euphoric; select Magical Method next round.
5: Add a half D8 steps toward oblivion on your tally of Warped Outcomes.
4: Knocked Out. Add a half D8 steps toward oblivion on your tally of Warped Outcomes.
3: Knocked Out. Add a half D8 steps toward oblivion on your tally of Warped Outcomes.
2 or less: Suffer vicious.

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