Message:Eephus, Peter Pax, Skia Sleeg and Roho da’Cruz barely survived session two. Roho took double vicious but was healed by Funky Powers. e.g., Combo A#11, Hellish Means. I saw a land without ice cream. Most of the squad has pledged to Ben Rucker that they will support More Taco Tuesday, even when the resource spice collection will destroy 10,000 system Gas Giants. Oh so much gas.
We failed to install the Voting Machines in the climax. We did not even make it past the outer ring of challenges. Everyone was injured badly. We were shocked by faulty power plants and melted by core cracking. Sleeg suffered hysteria under an atmospheric converter. Oh so much gas.
We bailed and quit the task without the MACE Tech to be found nor enemy Rival to defeat. Jesse Liadov and Status Qon hates us. We retain our squad rank of one-hundred. Still, MACE told us to slag the place with Hellburner, planet cracker and we did defeat our first Cyborg enemy.
No Campaign Poll Changes:
End Walker Cloning still in Front, passing Orphans & Widows, with Defund Martial Bands close behind. Now we will be spreading influence of More Taco Tuesdays. Many a calendar will need to be changed (by force).
We still retain our A-Tech: Discover a device that grants a bonus to ignore the first Overwhelm condition encountered during the adventure. This artifact is bulky and may only be used during ship encounters. This artifact undergoes pass-fail test at the end of each adventure - win, lose or draw.
Next week we finish the Epilog and start a new mission.