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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- Page Two Never Enough -- IronRed (2021-09-16)
---- My Conversion for AD&D Monsters to Zen Fantasy -- IronFred (2021-09-16)
------ My Wilderness Mapping Idea -- IronFred (2021-09-16)
-------- Saving Throws and Advanced Traps for Zen Fantasy -- IronFred (2021-09-16)
---------- NPC Loyalty for Zen Fantasy -- IronFred (2021-09-16)
------------ Alternative Zen Fantasy Death Table -- IronFred (2021-09-16)
-------------- Movements per 5ft Square for Zen Fantasy in Dungeons and Outdoors -- IronFred (2021-09-16)
---------------- Yikes that sort of defeats the idea -- IronConrad (2021-09-17)
------------------ It is still just a couple of pages and most of them tables -- IronFred (2021-09-17)
-------------------- Mr. Delta's 2 page Monster Chart may be easier than put together the CDD #4 Monster Tables -- IronFred (2021-09-17)
---------------------- Theater of the Mind means no Mappy Map .... -- IronConrad (2021-09-17)
------------------------ I just found the card stock dungeons for latter tonight and the 2mm Minatures -- IronFred (2021-09-18)
-------------------------- Brand? Reference? -- IronConrad (2021-09-18)
---------------------------- The one set of Cards is Dungeon Deck by Crooked Staff Publishing -- IronFred (2021-09-18)

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