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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- Do they? -- AramisErak (2021-10-26)
---- I feel Trapped in OS -- IronRed (2021-10-26)
------ Old tech -- IronMike (2021-10-27)
------ Business don't let users change their computers -- IronConrad (2021-10-26)
-- Lost Dual Monitor -- IronRed (2021-10-16)
---- Not Stating the Obvious but ... you don't need to upgrade -- IronConrad (2021-10-16)
------ My Heirs will have Vengeance -- IronRed (2021-10-16)
---- The villain waits until you are most comfortable and then strikes -- IronFred (2021-10-16)
-- Someone is getting a Kick Back ... even stupidity isn't that stupid ... -- IronConrad (2021-10-14)
---- Win 11 and the TPM Check -- IronFred (2021-10-15)
------ Thanks -- IronRed (2021-10-15)
-------- It is a shame ... computers could actually make the world a better place -- IronConrad (2021-10-15)
-- Slower RESTART -- IronRed (2021-10-14)

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