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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- Curiosity -- IronRed (2022-08-02)
-- Yes, Green Graph Paper Brings back Memories -- IronRed (2022-07-19)
---- Looks like Finny Winnaker's Copy -- IronConrad (2022-07-20)
------ $395? -- IronTony (2022-07-20)
-------- I've offered before, but I'll offer again... -- gatesphere (2022-07-20)
---------- Collecting or Gaming? -- IronConrad (2022-07-20)
------------ A bit of both -- gatesphere (2022-07-20)
------ A good player, patient and big hearted -- IronRed (2022-07-20)
---- In case I sounded bitter -- IronRed (2022-07-19)

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