Message:Boca or Bust entered the inner ring of Asellus Primus; we doglegged to destroy a second power node. We suffered our share of injury. We lost Sleeg twice to Empath Coma? Maybe a third time. Roho was a wound away from death the entire endgame. But we were successful, a first. We rose in Squad rank to Ninety-Six, ahead of the Condemned Prisoner Squad. Our Junior DOC, Chris, made level two. All Terrans are Chris to a Cruz.
We entered some fun in the Epilog that won’t end. Glory Pips are running out. We Tylerized Theta Ursae Majoris for failing to accept the Domination Voting Machines. We wondered if our entire campaign may be to tylerize the forty most populated systems, to bring League rebirth? We learned a valuable lesson about having to roll twenty unique Skills: that if we fail to do so in the round we suffer vicious. And we still must struggle to complete the list of twenty. Nothing is one and done, win or lose, as our commander Pax thought.
Our rolls in play were good.
In campaign news our old boss, More Condiments for Taco Tuesday, has been disqualified from the elections. Plus, we allied to Prettier Skies (Freebooters) only to later betray them (one encounter later), using our newfound public awareness on TicTakPatyWrak to shite on the robots. Mankind should be proud of our progress. Hating the things we can’t live without.
Next week more Battle Born, or Dungeon Puzzle depending upon our group size.