The guy we lost was ... well ... the same guy twice ...
Squires pitched in the towel to start again ... twice.
We've been close to death a few times.
If the towns weren't available, we would go to the various events and use the "restore to Max" option.
I can't speak for everyone else but the events that are 50% permanently bad and 50% permanently good are easy to pass on. So events like Ragnarok are easy to pass.
The common list just means ... make one good list of "How bad is it" list and work with that until you are comfortable with it. Once you have it tuned up, then add more as you need.
Would the players know if it was the same list or different one? For a while, we would not know.
My toon is reaching the point where I can start making more long term moves. At first, my focus was to get a few spells and spell points.
With a bit of good fortune, we're +3 hit points? I'm at the point where I can push down my Constitution which is the one stat where rolls are daunting.
Even a 6+ roll is missed 30% of the time. Yikes!!!!