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Longer Essays, Topics, and Opinions

-- Arbitrary powers -- IronTrevor (2022-05-11)
---- Power O' Plot -- IronMike (2022-05-11)
------ MCU Hulk is not the comic book Hulk and heroes pulling punches -- Tasha23 (2022-05-23)
-------- Could be No Return Point in Comic Movies -- IronRed (2022-05-24)
---------- One can stop watching? -- IronMike (2022-05-24)
------------ One More Note on Dr. Strange's It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad(Libs) Multiverse -- Tasha23 (2022-05-25)
-------------- Fridge magnetic Poetry -- IronRed (2022-05-25)
------------ Love is Blind -- IronRed (2022-05-24)
------ It was a geometric scale .... -- IronConrad (2022-05-11)
-------- All comes down to a die roll vs Publicity -- IronRed (2022-05-12)
------ Plot-O-Meter -- IronRed (2022-05-11)

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