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Spacegamer.com - Crimson Cutlass Mission:

This uses the Tarot Card to Generate a Mission on the Fly as described in Crimson Cutlass Book 2 -- Generating Missions. (For even more value, use Book 3 to generate Encounters on the way!!!!)

To begin, determine who the mission is offered to and call them the Party Leader (to accept / reject Mission).

Note: This mission is temporary. Copy it out now if you want it. (It pastes nicely into Word.)

Mission Title:

Party Leader:

- Knave of Coins: Journeyman

- Knight of Cups (Inverted): Spy, observe and obtain shipping information (ship building information).
- The World: Mission will cross both land and sea.

Patron Finances:
- Knave of Swords: Rich, but doesn't think mission requites special items or bonus pay (unless player begs or degrades himself pleading).

Patrons Reasons / Motivations:
- Knave of Rods (Inverted): Fears something and wants another to perform task (all in his mind, but players also sense fear).

- Queen of Rods (Inverted): Outclassed opponents who makes a futile resistance (detained elsewhere, full effect will be felt in Epilogue or aftermath - players make an Enemy).

- Five of Rods (Inverted): Regent of noble not yet of age
- The Empress (Inverted): Person is illegitimate, but non-the-less, blood relative of another Pick .
- Justice: Person has numerous allies in the Monarch.


On the way to the Mission Climax, the Party will travel through three game Phases which may be short or long (depending on the Tarot cards drawn). These represent the obstacles and challenges along the way to the Ultimate Climax of the Mission.

(A) Initial Successes:

(B) Challenges on the Journey:

(C) Final Travel to the Climax:

Climax Flow:
Referee creates the flow of the climax OR refer to Climax Encounters in Crimson Cutlass!!!

Come on Back and maybe we'll have a generator in for you. Otherwise, use the Temple and Castles from our Legacy tools. (Hey, or buy the books!!!!!)


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