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Useful Downloads and Stuff for your Games

A small repository of useful downloads and sheets. Additional changes will be made over time to bring in new tools and useful bits. BE CAUTIOUS ON ANYTHING YOU DOWNLOAD FROM THE INTERWEBZ.

New One Hour Role Play Tool (Excel): A Tool for Referees to generate Role Play Action.

New Dark Fantasy Campaign Game. (might be blocked by Excel.)


Dungeon Puzzle Generator: Generate dungeons to explore and loot. (Loot Hobos delight.)

Time Twister in Excel: Be patient, it's a big file.

Fantasy Run Project: Red's XLSM experiment in Fantasy Missions -- Be patient, it's a big file.

Fantasy On The Fly: A Tool to aid Referee's running Fantasy games (specifically Conrad's Fantasy Next Millennium). Dare I say without a Referee?

(^^^^^^^^ A little space for emphasis -- look up people ^^^^^^)

Cutlass Character Sheet: The original and still the best.

Outlands Character Sheet: With a hearty hat tip to Triem23.

Outlands Character Sheet: Three pages which includes rules for Character Generation.

Outlands More: RTF ---- DOCX

Rogue Swords / Barony Stuff

Rogue Sword Skill Sheet: A fresh key of the skills from the Yellow Book Rogue Swords.

Rogue Sword Sheet: A CURRENT version of the Rogue Swords Character sheet in RTF Format. (Hat Tip to Triem23.)

Rogue Sword Sheet: A CURRENT version of the Rogue Swords Character sheet in DOCX Format. (Hat Tip to Triem23.)

Rogue Sword Sheet: A version of the sheet with a little more information than provided in the Magazine. (Slightly Out of Date now.)

Battle Born / ERA Ten

Era Ten Character Sheet: This is the 2019 Version of the game currently in Beta.

Coming Soon

Cutlass Tool (Test Only): Amuse your friends and family with card flipping hi-jinks!!!

Good Guys Character Sheet: Hey, why not.

Copyright Better Games and SpaceGamer LLC