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Generate Standard Mission

Generate Underworld Mission

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Spacegamer.com - Standard Barony Mission:

This uses the Tarot Card to Generate a "Standard" Mission on the Fly as described in Designing Fantasy Missions as part of the Barony Set. (Standard means it is not focused exclusively on an Underworld.) No attempt is made here to define each of the finer points.

To begin, determine who the mission is offered to and call them the Party Leader (to accept / reject Mission).

Note: This mission is temporary. Copy it out now if you want it. (It pastes nicely into Word.)

Mission Title:

Party Leader:

- 4 Coins: Hero of Blade; a person with a great power or skill that only he has. Usually a person who is the ordained wielder of a magical blade that has a purpose that the hero has sworn to follow. Magic, strange and exotic, can poison and pervert the world (once again), should its dark forces not be checked. Patron is one of these safeguards ("I wield the sword that causes foul worms to rile and flee"). However, all these guys have personal problems as well; Mission may not relate to the hero's greater goals. At times, hero is himself a victim, trapped by fate into duties that have long been a burden. Some await the next chosen one to take their duties from them. Inverted, Society of Watchers; group that is waiting for an event to take place or a discovery to be made. These are specialized groups of scholars or prophets that await the fates (or alignment of stars). In the mean time, these groups have their own survival to consider ("we await the child with the mark described by the ancients; until then we run this city for him").
- Emperor: Patron is skilled soldier, sapper, siege craftsmen or commander. He has led groups of men into battle. Inverted, Patron was once famous, but his fame faded or lost importance over time.

- (Inverted) 9 Cups: Spy, observe or obtain political secrets. Inverted, spy, observe or obtain secrets of a demi-human race.
- Tower of Destruction: Almost all non-personal resources the players utilize on the Mission will be destroyed (or consumed) -- ships will scuttle, companies of soldiers rout or disband, wealth spent and gone. Referee should take them as subtly as possible, but at scenario's end, flukes will take the rest. Inverted, all major resources owned by the players will be destroyed or stolen (Referee decides what is lost, but even horded wealth may be taken, perhaps confiscated by a powerful ruler or even deity), but only if the Mission fails. By refusing the Mission, Referee can assume it fails.

- (Inverted) Ace Swords: World's finest (non-player) swordsman is involved as an agent of the opposition (usually a person who must be combated with magic). Inverted, Rival has a servant or enslaved demon that is immune to the adverse effects of magic (usually means creature must be combated with special weapon or basic force of blows).

- 10 Coins: Needs trusted outsider, since traitor suspected in his own troops or companions. Inverted, seeks to discover traitor and force him to action.

- (Inverted) Ace Coins: Maintains a reasonable allowance from lands, creditors and royalties on investments. Inverted, modest wealth, but Patron gambles all his wealth on this venture.

- Ace Rods: Innkeeper. Inverted, Barfly or Drunkard (usually minor rogue or hero fallen from grace).


On the way to the Mission Climax, the Party will travel through three game Phases which may be short or long (depending on the Tarot cards drawn). These represent the obstacles and challenges along the way to the Ultimate Climax of the Mission.

(A) Initial Successes:

(B) Challenges on the Journey:

(C) Final Travel to the Climax:

Climax Flow:
Referee creates the flow of the climax OR refer to Designing Fantasy Missions!!!

Come on Back and maybe we'll have a generator in for you. Otherwise, use the Temple and Castles from our Legacy tools. (Hey, or buy the books!!!!!)


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