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Generate Standard Mission

Generate Underworld Mission

What is this Madness!!!

Spacegamer.com - Standard Barony Mission:

This uses the Tarot Card to Generate a "Standard" Mission on the Fly as described in Designing Fantasy Missions as part of the Barony Set. (Standard means it is not focused exclusively on an Underworld.) No attempt is made here to define each of the finer points.

To begin, determine who the mission is offered to and call them the Party Leader (to accept / reject Mission).

Note: This mission is temporary. Copy it out now if you want it. (It pastes nicely into Word.)

Mission Title:

Party Leader:

- (Inverted) 10 Cups: Head of Household; a person who represents a family, clan or possibly minority of society. Clan and family bonds remain the strongest; this is particularly true in the cities (where almost everyone seems related). This may also represent the players being recruited by a city or town representative to perform a task. Inverted, Organized Club or Fraternity of Magicians; an agent who represents an established group bonded together by common interest or activity. Members are only infrequently related by blood; more often, the group gathers for social purposes, share knowledge and specialized craft, or security. The group often has access to relics or controls forces of magic. These may also be the keeper of ancient records or protectors of a relic; some maintain protective fields that protect the world from greater evil or catastrophe.

- (Inverted) 10 Coins: Travel as a companion or escort to foreign lands. Inverted, travel as a companion, but players and Patron travel incognito (assume a simpler role).
- (Inverted) Lovers: If an object is involved or related to the quest, many duplicates exist to confuse the players. Inverted, if an object is involved, it presently is in many pieces that need collecting.

- 9 Cups: Must traverse many unexplored or rugged-arduous miles of both land and water before entering Climax. Inverted, accidentally cross an area where a wizard conducts powerful conjuration that changes physical laws over nature -- "why don't my arrows fly straight?"
- Magician: Mission is most confounding; right as players give up, an opportunity will present itself (give clues to mission only in epilogue). Inverted, mission is very misleading; clues that present themselves only prove to be incomplete or false.

- 5 Rods: Family matters bring about the mission. Inverted, Patron's family is motive, yet his mind and heart are not behind the task.

- 7 Cups: Neither very wealthy or very poor, yet has anything required for the scenario -- Referee use discretion. Inverted, Patron has anything needed for the mission, but it takes him time to acquire these items (the more unusual the more time -- Referee decides).

- Knave Swords: Spy or Foreign Agent. Inverted, Traitor or Informer.


On the way to the Mission Climax, the Party will travel through three game Phases which may be short or long (depending on the Tarot cards drawn). These represent the obstacles and challenges along the way to the Ultimate Climax of the Mission.

(A) Initial Successes:

(B) Challenges on the Journey:

(C) Final Travel to the Climax:

Climax Flow:
Referee creates the flow of the climax OR refer to Designing Fantasy Missions!!!

Come on Back and maybe we'll have a generator in for you. Otherwise, use the Temple and Castles from our Legacy tools. (Hey, or buy the books!!!!!)


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