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Generate Standard Mission

Generate Underworld Mission

What is this Madness!!!

Spacegamer.com - Barony Underworld Mission:

This uses the Tarot Card to Generate a "Underworld" Mission on the Fly as described in Designing Fantasy Missions as part of the Barony Set. (Underworld means it is focused on an Underworld.) No attempt is made here to define each of the finer points.

To begin, determine who the mission is offered to and call them the Party Leader (to accept / reject Mission).

Note: This mission is temporary. Copy it out now if you want it.

Mission Title:

Party Leader:

- (Inverted) 5 Cups: Suspicious Figure; a person who will offer a Mission, but the players will not fully trust or believe the Patron. Such concerns may be unwarranted, yet the players suspicion will add difficulties to both Encounters and Climax ("I knew this here job was too good in truth to ring so foul; our employer must be plotting again' us" -- sorry for the accent, but it does make for great color). In most cases, choose an additional card to answer the question "WHO??" and more fully detail the Patron; or else, leave this fact vague (even to Referee) to amplify the suspicion ("hey guys, I only flip the cards; I wasn't the one who accepted a deal from such a strange dude"). Inverted, Obscure Identity; a person who deliberately hides his identity or has an identity that the players can not place. The Patron will not answer inquiries about who he is (often responding to such questions with half-answers, a shrug, an extra purse of gold or a partly drawn dagger). Draw an addition card to answer the question "WHO??" to fully detail the Patron, but keep this flip a secret from the players ("it stirs up tension if you laugh, then bury the card in the deck").

UnderWorld Mission:
- (Inverted) 8 Swords: Discover the Dark One's plans and report back to more powerful forces (that will stop the conspiracy once proof of action or details of intrigue are revealed). Inverted, players upon making their discovery will realize they must take immediate action, though they were told not to intervene ("sometimes you just got to improvise and trust your gut instincts").

Obstacles (UW):
- (Inverted) 5 Swords: Fear Cult. Devoted to the practice of cannibalism and human sacrifice to any manner of icon. Inverted, Beast Cult. Religious group that controls a beast, and often worships idols of the same.
- (Inverted) Justice: Traps in underworld have only the most horrific of penalties; do not accidentally set them off.

- King Cups: Pure and just motive. Inverted, monumental or decisively patriotic motive.

- (Inverted) Queen Cups: May use government clout to obtain finances, but by doing so makes matter public record. Inverted, Patron can use religious clout to obtain finances, but by doing so makes matter noticed by gods.

- (Inverted) Queen Coins: Female Warrior. Inverted, Foppish Dandy.


On the way to the Mission Climax, the Party will travel through three game Phases which may be short or long (depending on the Tarot cards drawn). These represent the obstacles and challenges along the way to the Ultimate Climax of the Mission.

(A) Initial Successes:

(B) Challenges on the Journey:

(C) Final Travel to the Climax:

Climax Flow:
Referee creates the flow of the climax OR refer to Designing Fantasy Missions!!!

Come on Back and maybe we'll have a generator in for you. Otherwise, use the Temple and Castles from our Legacy tools. (Hey, or buy the books!!!!!)


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