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List of Legacy Links

These are some of the tools form the original SpaceGamer Webzine. As in all things of ancient and advanced technology, the items need to be converted to the modern standards. These tools were so useful that we did a quick convert. Over time, we hope to convert the remainder of the tools but for now, these remain available. Enjoy the old school goodness!!!

These tools open a new window and you can generate until you are happy, then print or screen grab. When you are done, just close the window.

Castle Generation: Old School Tool for Quick Generation of Forts. This is from the original SpaceGamer site and is a gamer favorite.

Random Space Station: Another Old School Tool for Quick Generation of Space Stations from the original SpaceGamer webzine. This one gives a lot of interesting options for your space game of choice (See Battle Born.)

Random Temple: Another Old School Tool for Quick Generation of Temples. This one gives a lot of interesting options for your space game of choice (See Outlands.)

Fantasy Mission Generator:: Fantasy Mission Generation for Barony, Rogues Swords, Conrad's Fantasy RPG, or the world's oldest fantasy RPG.

Science Fiction Mission Generator: Coming Soon!!!

Link to A Fair Rule Set (Just Vanilla White Box)

White Box D&D (PDF): The Original Rules as released by Wizards of the Coast.

Iron Falcon Rules: Generic White Box D&D Rules edited for modern sensibilities.

Seer's Catalog: Old School / New Schools Delver's Catalog of useful items..

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