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SpaceGamer has moved and will be a work in progress. As always trust us with nothing important. Really. The web is a rough place. Assume everyone is scamming you.
Vox Populi -- Here’s the place for your opinions, narratives, adventure ideas, facts of merit, short game enhancements, literary quotes or mindless banter...the stuff other gamers may find of value. However, this is not a public newsgroup, and inappropriate messages are subject to censor. Likewise, our policing may be lax, so you may find personal messages of a vulgar nature which you are encouraged to report or simply ignore.
Cutlass and More...Now with Moving Pictures! Red’s adventures shared through the monopoly of YouTube. Subscribe, Like and hate yourself for doing so. That and never miss a moment. Cutlass on the YouTube.

Dungeon Puzzle
Run your favorite genre of roleplay on-the-fly at any time, even on a moment’s notice or to satisfy your craving for a fix. Solo or Group GM moderated.
Roleplay characters in the seven major genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Hero, Horror, Post Apocalyptic, Cyberpunk and Vintage Pulp. Use as an adventure generator for your other favorite roleplay system or use the mechanics described to GM your game play to whatever whimsy or terror your heart desires.
If you love our systems, thanks by the way, this one won’t disappoint. If you hate us or our style of play, I respect your time and won’t pander; continue to have fun in the shallow end of the pool.
Grab from our website a FREE Excel macro driven One Hour Roleplay solo & GM aid..
New One Hour Role Play.
Download Now!! One Hour Role Play Tool (Excel): A Tool for Referees to generate Role Play Action.
Chronicles of the Outlands
The players are fantasy characters without class distinction, proto Vikings, exploring and adventuring in a broad continental land bordered by seas. Magic works. All the characters will slowly improve a magical sword and train a magical mount. Magic is an integral part to play. Yet there are no spells per se, as each player character grows in power through the actions of the game.
There are six principal traits of characters: Bold, Clever, Energetic, Gifted, Methodical and Rugged. There is no degree that measures a trait; they are either present or not. The absence of a trait denotes the character is not any better than the norm in that area.
The player characters will also acquire a special set of combat skills, called swaggering techniques, by engaging in battle. These will be personal fighting styles as well as techniques gain specific to their Blade, Mount, Longboat and Wizardry. The new (level zero) character probably has practiced and even fought, but only through often repeated exercise of the game mechanics will he obtain great swagger.
To gain levels the character must perform Ignoble Deeds, nine tests of worthiness. These will relate to game events of the following types: Adventure, Fame, Battle, Ingenuity, Magic, Profit, Forethought, Comradeship and Courage.
Magic is performed like any other skill. The player describes an action based on a wizardry technique, and the Referee decides the degree of difficulty that must be rolled to succeed. It’s that simple (or not). In combat however, the mechanics of each Q&D apply. The various magical techniques will be seen as Advantages, making the dice roll easier. Once the player discovers any Wizardry techniques, he can shift to Recitation Method and use his magic for specific results. Yet using magic dooms the character to slowly change to something less human.